Section: New Results

Description of multimedia content

Multiscale image representations with component trees

Participants : Petra Bosilj, Ewa Kijak.

Joint work with Sébastien Lefevre, IRISA/SEASIDE, France.

The goal of this work is to study deeply the use of component trees, which aim at representing an image by the regions it contains at various scales through a tree-based structure, and their ability in the context of content-based image indexing and retrieval. Their invariance properties and their robustness to noise have motivated recent work in image indexing  [83] , [97] , [98] , but their usage in this field stays limited. The first part of this work was mainly dedicated to the study of various existing hierarchical representations. This leads to the presentation of a technique that arranges the elements of hierarchical representations of images according to a coarseness attribute [24] . The transformation is similar to filtering a hierarchy with a non-increasing attribute, and includes the results of multiple simple filterings with an increasing attribute. The transformed hierarchy can be then used for search space reduction prior to the image analysis process because it allows for direct access to the hierarchy elements at the same scale or a narrow range of scales.

Image representation

Participants : Rachid Benmokhtar, Jonathan Delhumeau, Guillaume Gravier, Philippe-Henri Gosselin, Hervé Jégou, Wanlei Zhao.

Partially in collaboration with Patrick Pérez, Technicolor, France.

Recent work on image retrieval have proposed to index images by compact representations encoding powerful local descriptors, such as the closely related vector of aggregated local descriptors (VLAD) and Fisher vector (FV). By combining them with a suitable coding technique, it is possible to encode an image in a few dozen bytes while achieving excellent retrieval results. We have pursed the research on this line of research by proposing two complementary contributions.

In [30] , we revisited some assumptions proposed in this context regarding the handling of ”visual burstiness”, and shows that ad-hoc choices are implicitly done which are not desirable. Focusing on VLAD without loss of generality, we propose to modify several steps of the original design. Albeit simple, these modifications significantly improve VLAD and make it compare favorably against the state of the art.

In [65] , we proposed a pooling strategy for local descriptors to produce a vector representation that is orientation-invariant yet implicitly incorporates the relative angles between features measured by their dominant orientation. This pooling is associated with a similarity metric that ensures that all the features have undergone a comparable rotation. This approach is especially effective when combined with dense oriented features, in contrast to existing methods that either rely on oriented features extracted on key points or on non-oriented dense features. The interest of our approach in a retrieval scenario is demonstrated on popular benchmarks comprising up to 1 million database images.

In [22] , we propose to reduce the dimensionality of visual features for image categorization. We iteratively select sets of projections from an external dataset, using Bagging and feature selection thanks to SVM normals. Features are selected using weights of SVM normals in orthogonalized sets of projections. The bagging strategy is employed to improve the results and provide more stable selection. The overall algorithm linearly scales with the size of features, and is thus able to process large state-of-the-art image representations. Given Spatial Fisher Vectors as input, our method consistently improves the classification accuracy for smaller vector dimensionality, as demonstrated by our results on the popular and challenging PASCAL VOC 2007 benchmark.

Video classification

Participants : Kleber Jacques Ferreira de Souza, Guillaume Gravier, Philippe-Henri Gosselin.

In collaboration with Silvio Jamil F. Guimarães, PUC Minas, Brazil.

Most current motion descriptors for video classification are based on simple video segments, such as rectangular space-time blocks, or more recently rectangular space blocks that follow local trajectories. The aim of this study is to consider more complex video segments that better fit space-time elements of videos, thanks to recent methods for video segmentation proposed by S. Guimarães et al. These methods combine at the same time a fast extraction and stable regions, two essential properties for video indexing. The computation of local motion descriptors on these video segments lead to better video classification for human action recognition, when compared to current video indexing techniques.

Geo-localization of videos with multi-modality

Participants : Jonathan Delhumeau, Guillaume Gravier, Hervé Jégou.

Joint work with Michele Trevisiol, Yahoo! Labs, Spain, who visited the team in 2012.

Geotagging is the process of automatically adding geographical identification metadata to media objects, in particular to images and videos. In [63] , we present a strategy to identify the geographic location of videos. First, it relies on a multi-modal cascade pipeline that exploits the available sources of information, namely the user upload history, his social network and a visual-based matching technique. Second, we present a novel divide & conquer strategy to better exploit the tags associated with the input video. It pre-selects one or several geographic area of interest of higher expected relevance and performs a deeper analysis inside the selected area(s) to return the coordinates most likely to be related to the input tags. The experiments were conducted as part of the MediaEval 2012 Placing Task, where we obtained the best results among the competitors when using no external information, i.e. not using any gazetteers nor any other kind of external information.

Violent keysound detection with audio words and Bayesian networks

Participants : Guillaume Gravier, Patrick Gros, Cédric Penet.

Joint work with Claire-Hélène Demarty, Technicolor, France.

We investigated a novel use of the well known audio words representations to detect specific audio events, namely gunshots and explosions, in order to get more robustness towards soundtrack variability in Hollywood movies [51] . An audio stream is processed as a sequence of stationary segments. Each segment is described by one or several audio words obtained by applying product quantization to standard features. Such a representation using multiple audio words constructed via product quantisation is one of the novelties described in this work. Based on this representation, Bayesian networks are used to exploit the contextual information in order to detect audio events. Experiments are performed on a comprehensive set of 15 movies, made publicly available. Results are comparable to the state of the art results obtained on the same dataset but show increased robustness to decision thresholds, however limiting the range of possible operating points in some conditions. Late fusion provides a solution to this issue.